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Workshop On
The Role of Data and AI in Health, Wealth and Wisdom: A K-12 perspective
Co-located with IEEE AIxHEART 2024

This interactive forum will explore the intersections of Artificial Intelligence and Data with Healthcare, Finance, Art, and Education. We will discuss the impacts of AI and Data from a variety of perspectives (relevant to academia, industry and policy circles); insights from the next generation (several high school students) will round out the discussion. 

Student Organizers

Kareena Mehta, Alpharetta High School (

Vega Mani, Taylor Allderdice High School (

Stephanie Wan, Lexington High School (


Faculty Advisors

Dr. Ganesh Mani, CMU, USA

Professor Julienne Greer, University of Texas, Arlington, USA

Professor Phillip Sheu, University of California, Irvine, USA


Tentative Workshop Duration and Outline

3 to 4 hours, primarily by Zoom

  1. Introduction by Kareena, Vega and Stephanie (10 minutes)

  2. Keynote Speaker (20 minutes)

  3. Short presentations with Q&A (90 minutes)

  4. Panel Discussion + Q&A (45 minutes); may consider two panels

  5. Closing (10 minutes) 

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