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Humanities, Education, and ART

September 30 - October 2, 2024
The Hills Hotel, Laguna Hills, California, USA

(format: hybrid)

Co-located with AIxB and AIxSET

As Requested by many authors, the deadline for paper submission is extended to

Monday 07/15 at 11:59pm, PT.

The acceptance and other deadlines are extended accordingly.

Artificial Intelligence x Humanities, Education, and Art (AIxHEART) brings Humanists, Educators, and Artists together for a mutually beneficial exchange. AixHEART seeks to guide and direct the innovative potential of AI for the humanities, education, and art through an international platform seeking societal benefit.

Our key stakeholders are Artists, Professionals, and Practitioners, Leaders, Academics, Entrepreneurs, and Human-Centered AI Researchers. AIxHEART also aims to attract AI Ethicists and  Humanities Philosophers, Policymakers and Regulators, Media and Journalists, and students of all disciplines.



Areas that may be assisted by AI, such as:​

  • Language

  • Literature

  • Music

  • Architecture

  • Performing Arts

  • Filming

  • Painting

  • K12 and Higher Education

AI technologies that may be advanced by humanities, education, and art, such as:

  • Generative AI

  • Decision Making

  • Development of Learning Programs

  • Development of Games and Software Programs

  • Travel

  • Transportation

  • Healthcare

  • Art and Technology Interfaces

and, as a challenge, simple use cases.

The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE and submitted to the IEEE Xplore®. Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected for the best paper/poster awards and for publication in internationally renowned journals.

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